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[edgt_icon_list_item icon_pack="ion_icons" ion_icon="ion-ios-telephone-outline" icon_size="21" icon_color="#fff" title="(301) 762-1800" title_color="#fff" title_padding="30px"]
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[edgt_icon_list_item icon_pack="ion_icons" ion_icon="ion-ios-location-outline" icon_size="21" icon_color="#fff" title="14670 Rothgeb Drive Rockville, MD 20850" title_color="#fff" title_padding="30px"]
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Infinite Photo Booth

Our most versatile and robust photo booth. The Infinite offers several options on the fly by the guest simply picking a button for standard Photo Booth mode, Slo-Mo, Animated GIFs, Morphing and Video. There is also a Green Screen mode available.

Infinite Booth can tip up or down for quick use by adults, teens or even small children.

Comes with: Lead operator/technician, photo booth, 8×8′ background, high speed dye-sub 4×6 printer with black cardboard frames and professional grade props and signs.

Requires: 8’x10′ space available 90 minutes prior to doors opening, access to power – 10 amps (within 25′), 1 – 6′ covered rectangular table, 1 covered 24″ or 36″ round x 42″ high cocktail tables (6′ for props/printer, cocktail for drinks/purses).

Options: Memory book, Assistant (for larger events), Additional social sharing monitors, Additional props.

Sample image of Infinite Booth shown on right with Green Screen option.