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[edgt_icon_list_item icon_pack="ion_icons" ion_icon="ion-ios-location-outline" icon_size="21" icon_color="#fff" title="14670 Rothgeb Drive Rockville, MD 20850" title_color="#fff" title_padding="30px"]
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SPROCKIT the Robot

SPROCKIT the Robot– Real life artificial intelligent entertainment for any event and guests of any age. SPROCKIT has entertained for year and recently got a full audio and video upgrade now entertain as a roaming photo booth. SPROCKIT can take your photo or you can have photos taken together (not both). Your guests scratching their heads at this state-of-the-art magical machine. SPROCKIT will guess the names of your guests and know things about them that will leave them speechless. He will shake your hand, move his eyes up and down and crack a joke when you least expect it. SPROCKIT the Amazing Interactive Robot has been seen from Mexico City to Montreal and in almost every state of the Union. SPROCKIT can be the ultimate entertainer as a greeter at your wedding or holiday party, spokesperson at your corporate trade show, entertainment for cocktail hour or fun for the kids at a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. SPROCKIT never gets old and will be talked for years after your event.