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Signs in a Flash

Signs in a Flash! It’s as cool as it sounds. 

Authentic metal street signs and license plates made in real-time in full color OR colored vinyl.

One of the most unique and fun takeaways from an event is Signs in a Flash!

If you’ve ever wanted a street named after you, Signs in a Flash is the best way to get it. Authentic metal (not plastic) street signs & license plates available in full color. These are sure to be a hit at your next event!

Signs & Plates can be made before your party and used as table place cards or created at your event as personalized take-home swag. Approximately 75-100 signs can be made during a 4-hour event.

Includes 3 technicians, 2 printers

Required: guest count at least 2 weeks before event; product type at least 1 month before event

Options: License plate OR Street signs, Full color or Authentic Vinyl