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[edgt_icon_list_item icon_pack="ion_icons" ion_icon="ion-ios-telephone-outline" icon_size="21" icon_color="#fff" title="(301) 762-1800" title_color="#fff" title_padding="30px"]
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[edgt_icon_list_item icon_pack="ion_icons" ion_icon="ion-ios-location-outline" icon_size="21" icon_color="#fff" title="14670 Rothgeb Drive Rockville, MD 20850" title_color="#fff" title_padding="30px"]
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Flip Books

Remember, as a kid, creating a cartoon by doodling in a notebook?  As you flipped through the pages, the images seemed to move along in the book.  We bring the favorite pastime back!  FlipBook Photos are a combination of “Make Your Own Music Video” and Digital Photos to create a fun 10-second video; then turn that video into a 60-page book.  As you flip through the pages, your video is recreated!

Includes: Computer program, photo backdrop, props, and 2 attendants.

Requires: 3- 6 foot tables, 2 chairs, 1 trash can, electricity (110 volt, 20 amps)

 Space: 10′ x 15′