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[edgt_icon_list_item icon_pack="ion_icons" ion_icon="ion-ios-telephone-outline" icon_size="21" icon_color="#fff" title="(301) 762-1800" title_color="#fff" title_padding="30px"]
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[edgt_icon_list_item icon_pack="ion_icons" ion_icon="ion-ios-location-outline" icon_size="21" icon_color="#fff" title="14670 Rothgeb Drive Rockville, MD 20850" title_color="#fff" title_padding="30px"]
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After Event

Post Event Customer Service Form

After Event

post event customer service form

By seniority or who ever picked up the gear
ie: MC/DJ, Band, Lighting, Video, etc. - names if you know them.
ie: MC/DJ, Band, Lighting, Video, etc. - names if you know them.
Should be on your calendar appointment
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What did you do?(Required)
Red, Yellow, etc.
MM1, Photo Bot, Infinite, 360, etc.
Name of venue, city/state
Examples: red hair and hot pink sparkly dress; blue suit and glasses; mom in purple dress and blonde hair, etc.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 6.
    Whose vehicle was used for the gear?(Required)
    Golf Toyota, Blue, etc.
    Knob missing, camera not focusing, no props, etc.
    Did the client use our product or service?(Required)
    On their own or because we reminded them?(Required)
    In your opinion, was the client happy?(Required)
    Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
    10 = Extremely Happy!
    Did you get a tip?(Required)
    We don't care, we just want to make sure we send you again on the next job with the same client.
    Max. file size: 128 MB.